Amanda Leonard
Candidate for State's Attorney 2022
Born and raised in Dorchester County.
Years of prosecutorial experience in this county.
Appointed by the Honorable Brett W. Wilson as Ad Interim State's Attorney February 4, 2022.
Strong relationships with local law enforcement.
Good rapport with practicing attorneys of the local bar and the sitting judges.
The utmost respect for the citizens of this county.
These are among the top reasons why Amanda Leonard is the right choice for the elected State’s Attorney for Dorchester County. Keeping the Shore safe, and ensuring justice are Amanda’s first priorities.
Authority: Leonard for Dorchester Treasurer: David Leonard
Get to Know Amanda Leonard
Allow me to take some time to introduce myself for those I’ve not yet had the chance to meet. My name is Amanda Leonard, and I was born and raised right here in Dorchester County with my brother Justin, by our parents Dave and Kim Leonard. My mother, a teacher, instilled the value of good education; of which I'm proud to say mine began in the Dorchester County Public School system. My father, a banker, and the hardest worker I know, encouraged a strong work ethic from an early age; evidenced by my first job at age 14, and the several others during my teenage years with Dorchester businesses.
After graduating from Cambridge South Dorchester, my educational opportunities took me to Pennsylvania for an undergraduate degree from Juniata College, followed by my law degree from the University of Baltimore School of Law. Upon graduating from law school, I eagerly returned to the Eastern Shore to begin my legal career. I completed a one year clerkship under the Honorable Judge Jackson in the Wicomico County Circuit Court. From there, in 2016, I accepted a position of Assistant State's Attorney at the Dorchester County State's Attorney's Office, where I've been ever since.
My passion for criminal law, however, began years before my own practice experience. I was lucky enough to have my first legal internship at the Dorchester County State’s Attorney’s Office in the summer of 2011, working most closely with the Deputy State’s Attorney. Having the opportunity to assist with and observe the successful prosecution of a homicide had me hooked. Prosecuting crimes, assisting true victims, and providing a service to the community is what I am meant to do. And what better place to do that than the community where I grew up, the county that I love, and the place that my family and I have called home for decades.
The next chapter of my prosecuting career starts now, long before this election takes place. On February 4, 2022, the Honorable Brett W. Wilson, acting Administrative Judge for the Circuit Court for Dorchester County, appointed and swore me in as Ad Interim State's Attorney, a role that I'm honored and excited to fulfill. There are big shoes to fill with the vacancy left by the newly appointed Honorable Judge William Jones, but I promise to work hard every day for the citizens for Dorchester County, because that is what you all deserve.
I can't wait to see what we, as a community, can accomplish together. Vote Leonard!
Public Safety
Amanda intends to prioritize public safety in Dorchester County. Citizens in our community deserve the peace of mind that they and their families are protected.
Local Collaboration
Crime, specifically violent crime, has escalated nationally, as well as in our community. Amanda understands that efforts to reduce crime will be made stronger with community collaboration. Amanda commits to working together with partnering agencies and community leaders to work toward a lower crime rate.
Rapport and Relationships
Dorchester County is served by the Cambridge Police Department, the Dorchester County Sheriff's Office, the Hurlock Police Department, Maryland State Police, and the Natural Resources Police, primarily. During her tenure as an Assistant State's Attorney, Amanda has been fortunate to develop strong relationships with our law enforcement officers. Continuing and building on those relationships is key to the success of our community.
Individualistic Approach
No two cases are the same. Each and every victim, witness, and defendant provide for unique circumstances. Under Amanda's leadership, all cases will be assessed individually, and prosecutorial decisions will be based accordingly.
Donate to the Campaign
Contributions may be mailed to:
Leonard for Dorchester
P.O. Box 1071
Cambridge, MD 21613
Election Law permits individuals to make monetary contributions for the success of a campaign. Contributions cannot exceed $6,000 to one political committee during the election cycle.
Monetary contributions cannot be made in excess of $100 except by check, credit card, or other approved electronic method.
Anonymous contributions are strictly prohibited.
If you are interested in donating to the campaign, please feel free to use the PayPal link below.
Any support, whether that be monetary, volunteer work, well wishes, or simply your vote, is extremely appreciated!
Get Involved!
Fill out the form below to be updated as to any volunteer opportunities, campaign events, or make any other inquiries. Your support is appreciated, and I look forward to hearing you!
Special thanks to Shannon Chambers Photography.